Employee Benefits

We believe in helping people reach their full potential, and we’re just as passionate about helping our staff achieve their goals, too.


Increase time with your loved ones and extend your workplace benefits to help those in your home. When you’re going well, so are our clients and those around you.


We offer an abundance of flexible working options to help you spend more time with the people who matter most in your life while still being able to progress professionally.


Enjoy working with a higher purpose, helping to change the lives of those most vulnerable across communities. The more people that work with us, the more people we can help.


We’re a healthcare business, so we want the best for your health! Utilise one or all of our wellness initiatives to help you adopt and sustain positive changes and integrate them into your lives.


Experience a groundbreaking career pathways program that offers life-long opportunities and mobility. With a focus on learning, professional development and internal promotion, our depth of brands offer career alternatives to help you achieve what you want from your career – be it clinical excellence or leadership.


Helping our staff to achieve in all areas of life is our mission. By helping you take home more of your pay through salarised arrangements and personalised financial education, we’re working to make life more rewarding all round.


We exist to improve lives, and nothing is more important than supporting our people who facilitate just that. We support you with the tools to learn new things and encourage a positive growth mindset.


We are a connected community that recognises and rewards our wins, link together to solve challenges, and embrace our camaraderie through great culture, connectedness and celebration.

Make each day meaningful and explore a career with Generation Care